« Play Bach »

As contributions to the collective show Play Bach by Denis Pernet at Circuit, Centre d'art contemporain, Lausanne: a print enlargement of the engraving La Sainte Face (1649) by Claude Mellan (1598–1688), and a performance lecture L'Empreinte de Dieu, de la véronique au microsillon (The Imprint of God, From the Veronica to the Microgroove), event at the Cinémathèque suisse with Jean-Marie Straub, September 29th, 2011.

One year later, the digital edition of the lecture was released.

Background picture: framing of Claude Mellan's Sainte Face (1649). Scan: Cabinet d'arts graphiques, Musées d'art et d'histoire, Geneva.

Play Bach's opening view. Photo: Donatella Bernardi.

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